Thursday 4 February 2016

Vegan Cheese

Cheese for me has got to be one of the hardest things to give up. When I was veggie, I totally relied on cheese to get me through and now I am vegan, there is no more halloumi to keep me going.

After doing some research, I discovered that Tesco sells a vegan cheese - violate which comes in a block, slices or a cream cheese. I am yet to try the slices or cream cheese but the block of violate isn't half bad. It really does smell like cheddar cheese! Result. And the taste isn't too bad either.

It is quite a rubber cheese, it reminds me a little of a cheese string but never the less for vegan cheese, it seems like a winner. It tastes good enough to eat on its own or melted. As it is a rubbery, it is a little bit of a chore to grate but you can grate it.

Next on my list to try is the cream cheese! Watch out for the review shortly.

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