Saturday 6 February 2016

Cruelty Free Products

Being a Vegan means more than just not eating any animal products, it also means not using them in other things too such as make up, shampoo, moisturiser and tooth paste etc. 

I started off by taking a look at my every day make up and skin care products to check those out. To check if a company was cruelty free I checked them against PETA and Leaping Bunny. I urge you to do your own research into the products you are using. 

As I use the oil cleansing method for my skin care, no changes need to be made there. My moisturiser is by Simple who are cruelty free so also no need to change that. 

Next I looked in my make up bag. I thought this wouldn't be that bad as the majority of my products are No 7 (boots). Oh how wrong I was about that. 

No 7 seems great on the surface as they say they don't test on animals but this isn't entirely true! The truth is they do not test on animals for products sold in the UK but legislation means that if a company wants to sell products in China, they must be tested on animals. No 7 sells products in China. This caused me a moral dilemma. My make up was cruelty free but the company I was using would test on animals for profit. 

I also had a few maybelline products in my make up bag, these products were not cruelty free and would have to go. 

Next on the list to have to go was my Johnson's body lotion and Nivea lip balm. My Pantene shampoo and conditioner would also be seeing the bin. 

With most of my products appearing to be in the bin, I turned to researching restocking my make up bag and bathroom. For make up, it appeared the go to cruelty free products were either from Too Face or The Body Shop. Budget depending on that one! 

For everything else it would be either Lush or The Body Shop. 

As I am trying not to be wasteful, any products that were not cruelty free I would be replacing once I had used my current product up. For all the replacement products I use I will review. 


Turns out my Dove deodorant and also colgate Toothpaste was not cruelty free. 

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