Wednesday 24 February 2016

Vegan Guacamole

I am yet to meet a person who doesn't like gauc! Like seriously who cannot love this stuff. And homemade is even better, so fresh and tasty and oh so simple to make. 


2 large ripe avocados 
half a red onion (diced)
1 clove of garlic 
4 cherry tomatos 
1 lime (juiced) 
pinch of salt and pepper
dash of olive oil 
half red chilli (deseeded and chopped)


This is really the easiest thing you could ever make and though it may be simple, it will still impress your friends! Simply take all of the ingredients above and put them in a food processor, blend them up and there you go. Guacamole is made. Be careful not to over blend though, it should still have some bite to it. 

Monday 22 February 2016


I have developed such a love for bagels. Bagels for breakfast, lunch and dinner. 

There is a bagel for every occasion. Whether it is cheese and tomato, avocado or mushrooms, it is a winner. Simple and easy to make yet so filling and delicious. 

Sunday 21 February 2016

Vegan Banana Granola

Another yummy staple for breakfast in my house. I love anything I can make in advance and grab when I need it!


3 cups of oats
1 teaspoon of cinnamon
pinch of salt
1 tablespoon of flax seeds
3 tablespoons of sugar (any sugar is fine, I used brown)
handful of pecans
handful of coconut flakes
1/4 of oil (any oil is fine)
2 tablespoons of maple syrup or agave (I had both in so used 1 tbsp of each)
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
2 medium bananas (mashed)
50g of chopped dark chocolate


Pre heat the oven to 150c (fan)

In a bowl mix oats, cinnamon, salt, flax, sugar, pecans and coconut flake

In a medium saucepan, melt and mix oil, maple syrup/agave and vanilla extract. Once combined, remove from heat and mix in bananas. 

Add banana mixture to oats etc. Combined well

Line a baking tray and spread oat mixture out

Cook for approximately 20 to 30 minutes depending on how crunchy you like your granola. Give the mixture a mix up every 10 minutes or so to break it up

Once the granola is cooked and cooled, mix in dark chocolate 

Store in an airtight container. The granola will keep for approximately a month and makes approximately 12 servings 

Saturday 20 February 2016

Vegan Burritos In Norwich

If you are ever in the city and get a lunch time craving for Mexican Food look no further than Chihuahua Burritos which can be found serving in The Ally (on bridewell ally) from 11am to 3pm daily. They also offer a delivery service - great for the late night munchies! 

Their vegan burrito is to die for! One of the best I have had and at a great price to at £4.50. You can eat in and take in the cool art work and vibes or you can take away and enjoy on the comfort of your own sofa in your sweats.

Friday 19 February 2016

Stuffed Peppers

An easy to make hearty meal


1 red bell pepper
vegetable couscous (I used a pre packet mix as it is so simple) 

  1. Pre Heat the oven to 180c (fan)
  2. De-stork and seed the pepper and place on a baking tray, cook in the oven for approximately 5 minutes 
  3. Whilst the pepper is cooking make the couscous. If you are lazy like me this this will involve adding hot water to a mixture and leaving it for 3 minutes 
  4. At this point cook any other vegetables that you wish to add to the couscous such as mushrooms, onions, carrots etc. Add your cooked veg to the now ready couscous mixture 
  5. Take the pepper out of the oven and add into the middle of the pepper the vegetable couscous
  6. Cook in the oven for approximately 10 to 15 minutes
I served mine with a simple side salad but you could have chips, salad, more vegetables. Whatever you fancy really. 

Easy to Grab Vegan Snacks

One of the things I struggle with being a vegan is the lack of easy snacks you can grab from the shops when you have the munchies! Gone are the days of just picking up some crisps and a chocolate bar. 

Finding snacks these days take a lot more research and planning. 

Here are a few of my go to snacks that you can grab from most UK supermarkets. 

Narns Snackers (balsamic vingar flavoured) - I love these little cracker type crisp. They are so easy to eat on the go and taste great. They also come in a caramelised onion flavour. RRP £0.40. 
Side Note - the cheese flavoured Narns Snackers are not vegan. 

Choices, Rondellos (white chocolate buttons) - great little sugar boost and they don't taste half bad for vegan chocolate. RRP £0.65

Sainsbury's Free Form Chocolate Buttons - again a great little snack for when the chocolate cravings set in. RRP £0.50

Lotus, Biscoff caramelised biscuits - I have never been as happy as when I found out these were vegan. I am such a biscuit person and it had been killing me not being able to grab a pack from the shops and devour the whole thing. That was until these came along.  They also come in a handy pack with individually wrapped biscuits which makes them super easy to pop in your bag and take out with just in case you get hangry! RRP £1.25

Vegan Deodorant

Being a vegan isn't just about what you eat. Animal products are in everything we use and a lot of the chemicals in products are tested on animals. 

Finding good vegan products is a real struggle. It is not simple a case of popping to boots when you need a new deodorant because most main stream brands test on animals. 

Lush is an obvious choice to check out when looking for vegan beauty products but it is also an expensive choice. Their deodorant range offers bars and powder coming in at between £4.50 and £7.00. 

After doing a lot of research I found this gem in M&S.

It is their Peach Roll On which costs £1.50 and is often on buy one get one free. It is part of their natures ingredients range and comes another scents. 

I was so hesitant at first about vegan deodorant, as deodorant is such an important thing. I didn't wanna go around smelling bad! But this works a charm. It keeps you dry all day and smells lovely. Only downside for me is that it is roll on and I have always been more of a can kinda girl but never mind, that was easy to get over. 

If you are on the look out for an affordable great deodorant then look no further. For £1.50 it is definitely worth a try. 

Thursday 18 February 2016

The hardest thing about being vegan....

The hardest thing about becoming a vegan is not giving up meat or animal products, it is finding a good place to eat out with friends. 

None of my friends are vegan so it can be a real struggle at times. A few will try vegan places with me but others are total meat eaters and would freak if I told them I was taking them somewhere where ribs would not be a staple on the menu. 

My advice for my fellow vegans who struggle with this is to do your research! A lot of places have vegetarian options on the menu that can be adapted to be vegan for example salads with cheeses or veggie burgers with cheese. And if all else fails, chips are always a winner! Restaurants are usually very accommodating to any changes you make to the menu so don't be afraid to ask, after all if you had a nut allergy or were lactose intolerant, you would make damn sure there was no peanuts or cheese in your food. 

Be careful with some menus though as I have noticed quite a few restaurants will say that have veggie/vegan food but then state on the menu they have no designated place in the kitchen to prepare this food. Does that really make it veggie/vegan then?! That is a little bit of a grey area. 

In this world we are never going to get away from meat and animal products, all we can hope to do is reduce the amount that is consumed. So if my food is cooked on the same surface as meat does that make it non vegan? I am sure some die hard vegans would say that it doesn't but to be able to still enjoy a social life, I have decided that for me, as long as the actual food I am eating does not contain meat or animal products then that is good enough for me. 

I would be so grateful for your thoughts on this and any helpful tips you have for eating out with vegan and non vegan friends. 

Vegan Peanut Butter Chocolate Chunk Cookies

These cookies are the perfect balance of chewy and crunchy. Perfect for a late night snack or a move night with the girls. A cookie people won't even be able to guess is vegan.


1/2 cup of soya milk (any non-dairy milk is fine)
2 tablespoons of flax seeds
dash of white wine vinegar
1 and 1/2 cups of plain flour
3/4 teaspoon of bicarb of soda
1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon (this doesn't have to be added if you are not a fan of cinnamon)
1 teaspoon of sea salt
1 and 3/4 cup of caster sugar
3 tablespoons of peanut butter (smooth or crunchy)
1/4 cup of oil (any oil works)
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
1 teaspoon of molasses
100g of chopped chocolate 

  1. Pre heat the oven to 150c (fan)
  2. In a bowl whisk together milk, flax seeds and vinegar. Leave this to one side to thicken, this acts as the egg 
  3. In a mixing bowl combined flour, bicarb, cinnamon and salt. Leave this to one side
  4. In another bowl combined sugar, peanut butter, oil, vanilla and molasses
  5. To the sugar and peanut butter mixture add the flax egg
  6. Next add in the flour mixture
  7. Combine ingredients together and mix in chocolate chips

  1. Line two baking sheets with parchment paper. Using a tablespoon, spoon the mixture onto the baking trays in little balls. Allow approximately 3/4cm gap between each ball as they will spread a little. Cook in the oven for approximately 20 minutes or until they begin to harden
This recipe makes approximately 20 to 24 cookies depending on the size of your balls. I had to bake mine in two batches as I did not have enough room on the baking trays.  

Saturday 13 February 2016

Vegan Street Food In Norwich

If you are in Norwich and need some quick and easy street food then look no further than Bia Kitchen on the Market. Amazing food at amazing prices. The board changes weekly so check out their Facebook page to see what is on the menu. 

When I went I got to try the Kofte Kebab which was amazing. Kofte spiced vegan kebab with a turkish salad, pilaf rice, harrisa sour cream on a warm flatbread. All for £4.50. 

The food all looks amazing and is all made fresh to order. They also serve homemade drinks (cold mocha and flavoured iced teas). 

(Kofte Kebab) 

Friday 12 February 2016

Vegan Burrito Bowl

Perfect cold winter night food. Colourful and Tasty. 

1/2 cup of brown rice
250g of kale
1 lime (juiced)
1/4 teaspoon of cumin 
1/4 teaspoon of salt
1 avocado 
pot of salsa
1 can of black beans (drained and rinsed)
1 onion 
1 clove of garlic (pressed)
1/4 teaspoon of cayenne pepper
1/4 teaspoon of chilli powder
tortilla chips 
cheese (grated to scatter on top)


1. Cook the brown rice 
2. Whilst the rice is cooking, mix lime juice, cumin and salt into a large bowl and mix in kale. Leave to one side 
3. Add black beans to saucepan to warm through. Whilst warming, brown onions and garlic in frying pan. After approximately 5 minutes, add black beans to frying pan and add cayenne pepper and chilli powder. Continue to cook for 5 to 7 minutes. 
4. Once the rice and beans are cooked put these onto a plate and add kale, avocado, salsa, cheese and tortilla chips. 

Thursday 11 February 2016

Vegan Peanut Butter Chocolate Granola

I find breakfast the hardest time to be vegan, I don't know if it is because my family all eat fry ups and bacon sandwiches. Egg on toast is a staple in our house or if it just seems like breakfast is boring. Toast and Jam can get a little old after a while as can porridge. If like me you struggle to find an exciting breakfast you can quickly eat on the go, this granola is perfect for you. Simply make a batch ahead of time and grab a load whenever you need it.


3/4 of cup of sugar (I used caster but any sugar will do)
1/2 cup of cocoa powder 
1/2 cup of soya milk (any non-dairy milk is fine)
1/2 cup of water 
2 or 3 tablespoons of peanut butter (smooth or crunchy will work)
8 tablespoons of oil (vegetable or olive)
1/2 teaspoon of salt
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract 
5 cups of oats
3 tablespoons of flax seeds
1/4 cup of pecans
1/4 cup of dried cranberries 
1/4 cup of flaked coconut 
50g of chopped dark chocolate 


  1. Pre-heat the oven to 150c (fan)
  2. Mix together in a large bowl sugar, cocoa, milk, water, peanut butter, oil, salt and vanilla. 
  3. Add oats, flax seeds, pecans, cranberries and flaked coconut
  4. Spread the mixture evenly onto two lined baking trays. The mixture will take approximately 45 minutes to cook and become dry. Check the mixture every 20 minutes and give it a stir and a mix up to create little granola nuggets. 
  5. Allow to cool on baking trays for approximately 30 minutes. When cool, mix in chopped chocolate and store in air tight container
The granola will keep for approximately a month and makes between 10 to 15 servings. 

This is a perfect grab and go breakfast. I just pick up a tub full and mix with soya milk when I get to work. Simple and easy. 

Saturday 6 February 2016

Cruelty Free Products

Being a Vegan means more than just not eating any animal products, it also means not using them in other things too such as make up, shampoo, moisturiser and tooth paste etc. 

I started off by taking a look at my every day make up and skin care products to check those out. To check if a company was cruelty free I checked them against PETA and Leaping Bunny. I urge you to do your own research into the products you are using. 

As I use the oil cleansing method for my skin care, no changes need to be made there. My moisturiser is by Simple who are cruelty free so also no need to change that. 

Next I looked in my make up bag. I thought this wouldn't be that bad as the majority of my products are No 7 (boots). Oh how wrong I was about that. 

No 7 seems great on the surface as they say they don't test on animals but this isn't entirely true! The truth is they do not test on animals for products sold in the UK but legislation means that if a company wants to sell products in China, they must be tested on animals. No 7 sells products in China. This caused me a moral dilemma. My make up was cruelty free but the company I was using would test on animals for profit. 

I also had a few maybelline products in my make up bag, these products were not cruelty free and would have to go. 

Next on the list to have to go was my Johnson's body lotion and Nivea lip balm. My Pantene shampoo and conditioner would also be seeing the bin. 

With most of my products appearing to be in the bin, I turned to researching restocking my make up bag and bathroom. For make up, it appeared the go to cruelty free products were either from Too Face or The Body Shop. Budget depending on that one! 

For everything else it would be either Lush or The Body Shop. 

As I am trying not to be wasteful, any products that were not cruelty free I would be replacing once I had used my current product up. For all the replacement products I use I will review. 


Turns out my Dove deodorant and also colgate Toothpaste was not cruelty free. 

Vegan Apple Crumble

One of the hardest things about going vegan is giving up the home cooked staple foods that your mum makes. For me that means Apple Crumble and Custard!
Instead of giving it up, I thought I would try my hand at making it vegan.
Cooking Apples (I used some from my parents tree)
Caster Sugar
Plain Flour
Vegan Butter
Now the amount of apples you decide to cook is up to you, but it will affect the amount of other ingredients you need.
For the two little ramekins that I made, I used approximately 4 medium sized cooking apples which i peeled, cored and cut into chunks. I then put the apples in a saucepan and stewed for approximately 10 minutes adding a little water if it looks like it is sticking.
What I usually do is cook as many apples as my parents give me in autumn when they fall and stew them and freeze them for whenever I need them. It is so quick and simple meaning whenever you get a hankering for crumble or pie, you have pre cooked apples ready to go, you just have to defrost them.
Once you have stewed your apples (or defrosted them), add them to a heatproof dish. I used two small ramekins as I was only cooking them for me but my mum always uses as casserole dish to put hers in. Then add approximately 3 to 5 tablespoons of caster sugar to the apples (depending on how many apples you have used and how sweet you like it). At this point you can also add cinnamon if you wish (I did - approximately 1 teaspoon).
Next comes making the crumble topping. When making my crumble topping, I used approximately 60g of flour, 30f of sugar and 30g of vegan butter to my 4 medium sized apples. If you are using a casserole dish, the average measurements are 120g of flour, 60g of caster sugar and 60g of butter.

Mix all those ingredients together in a bowl with your hands. Use your fingers and thumb to breadcrumb the mixture together. After this, transfer the mixture to a baking tray and cook in the oven at 170 c fan for approximately 15 minutes or until a light golden brown colour.

Once the crumble topping is made, add the topping to the apples. You can either leave this to one side and cook later as it will only need to be heated for approximately 5 to 10 minutes at 180 c fan to heat the apples and warm it back through as everything is already pre cooked or cook and eat straight away.

I found this vegan apple crumble simple to make and delicious to eat. Serve it with vegan vanilla ice-cream and people probably wouldn't notice the difference.

Vegan Curry

Curry - Simple, Warming and Perfect for a Friday night! This vegan alternative has it all. 


3 tablespoons of Tikka Curry Paste (I use Sainsbury's) - you can use whatever type of curry paste you want e.g. balti, korma, madras. The spiciness is up to you. 
1 tin of Coconut milk
100g of Red Lentils 
2 medium sized Potatoes
Half a large sweet potato
1 large carrots (chopped)
Half a red pepper (chopped)
1 clove of garlic (pressed)
1 onion (chopped)

Serves approximately 4. 


1. Add 100ml of boiling water to the red lentils in a bowl and put to one side. 

2. In a medium sized saucepan add the chopped potatoes and carrot (no need to peel - the skin has all the goodness!), add water and allow to simmer until vegetables are soft. This will take approximately 10 minutes. 

3. In a large frying pan/wok, add a splash of oil. Once the oil is hot, add the onion, mushrooms and garlic. Once the onions have began to brown, add the pepper. 

4. Once the potatoes and carrots are cooked add them to the mushrooms, onions and peppers. To this add the curry paste and allow to fry for approximately 3 to 5 minutes. 

5. Next drain the red lentils and add to the curry. Following this add the coconut milk and allow to simmer and thicken for approximately 15 to 20 minutes. 

6. Enjoy! Your vegan curry is ready to go! Serve with rice, popadoms, nan bread, pitta etc. 

Tip - this curry freezes really well so if you are like me and love to have food ready to go in the freezer this is a winner! 

Vegan Lasagne

I am a great lover of food you can make lots of and freeze because some days when I come home from work I really cannot be bothered to stand in front of the cooker and make food. Lasagne is one of those dishes. Make it in a large tin, eat some and then have enough left for 2 or 3 more meals. It also keeps for quite a while in the freezer to meaning if you make loads, you don't have to eat it for the next 3 weeks solid to use it up! 


500g of button mushrooms (sliced)
1 onion (chopped)
1 clove of garlic 
1 tin of chopped tomatoes 
2 tablespoons of dark brown sugar 
100g of vegan butter
100g of plain flour
1/2 pint of soya milk
vegan cheese to grate 
Lasagne sheets


1. Pre heat the oven to 160c (fan).

2. Add a splash of oil into a large pan (I use a wok because of the amount of mushrooms) and add the chopped onion and pressed garlic. Allow these to cook until they start to brown (approximately 5 minutes). Next add the sliced mushrooms. Cook until the mushrooms are soft. 

3. To the mushroom mixture add the tin of chopped tomatoes and dark brown sugar. Allow this to simmer until the tomato sauce has reduced. (if it doesn't, simply add a tablespoon of cornflour to thicken). If the mixture is to wet, your lasagne will be soggy. 

4. In a saucepan melt the butter and then add flour. Mix continually until combined. Next add in small amounts of the milk, do not add it all in one go because this will stop the natural thickening of the roux. Once all the milk is combined, take off the heat. 

5. For my lasagne, I used a 9cm by 9cm deep tin (like one you would use to make brownies). Add a layer of the mushroom mix followed by lasagne sheets. Add a layer of your béchamel sauce and then a layer of cheese. Continue this layering until you have used all of the mixtures. I usually tend to get two layers. 

6. Cook in the oven for approximately 40 to 45 minutes. If your cheese begins to brown cover the tin with foil. 

This dish is really great because you can make it in the morning and then simply cook it in the evening or make the day before etc (just pop it in the fridge). 

Like I said, I make this dish to freeze because it is so simple and easy. 

Friday 5 February 2016

Vegan Breakfast

Breakfast for me is one the of best things about the weekend. During the week I am far too lazy to be worrying about a fancy breakfast, grabbing toast is about as fancy as it gets. But the weekends are a different thing completely. Pancakes, french toast, omelettes, bacon, eggs, toast, porridge. I could go on forever but you get the picture.

I thought going vegan was going to be the end of that but I was wrong. Avocado on toast with tomatoes is amazing! It is so fresh and light yet filling. It is also so simple to throw together. Crush an avocado in a bowl and then spread it on toast, place tomatoes on top and there you go.

Thursday 4 February 2016

Vegan Cheese

Cheese for me has got to be one of the hardest things to give up. When I was veggie, I totally relied on cheese to get me through and now I am vegan, there is no more halloumi to keep me going.

After doing some research, I discovered that Tesco sells a vegan cheese - violate which comes in a block, slices or a cream cheese. I am yet to try the slices or cream cheese but the block of violate isn't half bad. It really does smell like cheddar cheese! Result. And the taste isn't too bad either.

It is quite a rubber cheese, it reminds me a little of a cheese string but never the less for vegan cheese, it seems like a winner. It tastes good enough to eat on its own or melted. As it is a rubbery, it is a little bit of a chore to grate but you can grate it.

Next on my list to try is the cream cheese! Watch out for the review shortly.

Vegan Pizza

Pizza, the food of gods! Simple and easy to grab from a take-away or eat in that is of course unless you are vegan.

Norwich however has two amazing pizza places that make amazing pizzas for both meat eaters and vegans.

            (Voodoo Daddy - Vegan Mafia Pizza)                                    (Brick Pizza - Vegan Pizza)    
I first stumbled across Brick Pizza (which is located on the Market near Sir Garnet Pub) when I heard they offered suspended pizzas. You pay £4.00 and get to write on their wall and someone who cannot afford food etc gets to come in and have a free pizza. Their pizzas are freshly made and stone baked. You can eat in, take away or get it delivered (although they don't have many seats so if you really wanna eat in and its a weekend, you might wanna book). I went with family and whilst they all tucked into their delicious looking meat covered pizzas, I got to tuck into my amazing vegan pizza. A tomato base covered in onions, peppers, olives, basil and mushrooms topped with vegan cheese. Amazing vegan pizza for only £8.00. If you are in Norwich and want somewhere to try, I would definitely give this a go.

Next I discovered the wonders of Voodoo Daddy pizza! Known for the outlandish names and excellent toppings. When trying to decide where to order pizza from on a girls night in, I suggested this place as trying to find good vegan take out pizza is a chore. What a top choice I made. An absolutely loaded pizza with amazing flavors. It is a tomato and garlic base with basil, courgette, mushrooms, broccoli, peppers and olives. A steal at £8.50! Again if you haven't tried Voodoo Daddys Vegan Mafia pizza, it really is a must.

Definitely my go to take out pizza places. A perfect take out for both vegan and non-vegans!

Wednesday 3 February 2016

Double Chocolate Chunk Cookies

One of the things I struggle most with being a vegan in the UK is not being able to simply pop to the shops to buy treats as UK supermarkets really don't stock a wide range of vegan products.

I am therefore always on the look out for sweet simple treats to make and these cookie are amazing!

Ingredients (yields 12 cookies)

1 tablespoon of ground flax seeds mixed with 3 tablespoons of water (this acts as the egg)
1/4 cup of sunflower oil
1/4 cup of vegan butter (this can be replaced with peanut or almond butter for a different taste)
1/3 cup of brown sugar
1/3 cup of demerara sugar
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon of bicarb of soda
1/2 teaspoon of baking power
1/2 teaspoon of sea salt
3 tablespoons of cocoa powder
2 cups of oats
100g of dark chocolate


1. Pre heat the oven to approximately 160c (fan)

2. In a large bowel add the flax egg mixture. Leave this to ferment for approximately 5 minutes (it should look thicker in appearance)

3. To the flax egg mixture add sunflower oil, butter, sugars and vanilla. Mix well until smooth

4. Next add bicarb, baking powder, sea salt, cocoa powder and oats. Mix well after adding each ingredient

5. Chop/break into little chunks the chocolate and add to the mixture

6. If you mixture looks to dry or wet, simply add more oats or a little soya milk

7. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and spoon on the cookie mixture. The mixture can spread a little when cooking so ensure you leave gaps between your balls of dough. I used approximately a tablespoon of mixture per cookie and left approximately 10cm gaps between them

8. Cook in the oven on the middle shelf for approximately 12 minutes. Once out of the oven leave on the baking tray to cool for approximately 10 minutes and then transfer to a cooling rack to completely cool.

These cookies are incredibly easy to make and taste delicious. My non vegan mum said they tasted like a hobnob!

Tip - Try not to touch them too much before they are completely cool, they can be a little delicate when still hot and can easily snap and break although this just makes them even better crumbled over vegan ice-cream.

Becoming Vegan

After being a meat eater for approximately 20 years, I made the decision in October 2015 to go vegetarian. At that point, I thought going veggie would be enough of a struggle without throwing in all that you have to give up going vegan.

How wrong I was. I actually found going veggie really easy. Once I had watched enough documentaries and youtubers talk about the issue surrounding eating meat and animal products, I found that I had this sudden will power which meant that I never looked back. Not even once. Of course I had the odd craving for bacon and chicken but this soon passed and now I never really think about meat. I find myself having a much happier and positive relationship with food. I love to cook now and talk about food.

After spending about 3 months as a veggie, I found that it just wasn't enough for me. I continued to do my research into being a vegetarian/vegan and all it seemed to point towards was that being vegan really was the best. I therefore decided at the end of January that I was going to go the whole way and become vegan.

I would suggest to anyone thinking about becoming veggie or vegan to properly do your homework. It is not a choice to be entered into lightly. If you do it on a whim without much knowledge you will struggle. But don't fear, there is loads of material on the internet to help you.

The documentaries that really hit home for me and made me really question my meat eating diet were Cowspiracy (of course, yet to meet a veggie/vegan that doesn't rate this!), Seaspiracy, Vegucated and 101 reasons to go vegan (the vegan atheist on Youtube). For me these documentaries really made me think about the lies that we are told about the meat industry. We all know deep down that animal cruelty will always exist and that free range is a pretty much a lie. But what I really didn't know was the damage that consuming animal products has on the body. Drinking cows milk can actually lead to loss of bone density. There is no actual health benefit to eating animal products. Madness.

After hearing all of their views, I found myself feeling ashamed that I had been ignorant for such a long time. If we don't need it for our health, then why eat it. Eating animal products only leads to animal cruelty, environmental damage, poverty and poor human health. The only thing consuming animal products does is put money in corporate bastards pockets. 

Most of my friends are meat eaters and I am not here by any means to shove being vegan down anyones throat. It is entirely a personal choice and I don't judge people for continuing to eat meat.

Hopefully through this blog I can go a little way to educating perhaps a few more people on the vegan lifestyle and just how simple and easy it can be.