Saturday 19 March 2016

Plant based foods do not have feelings.

I am usually so good at staying off my vegan high horse and letting people get on with whatever they want in life. Most of my friends are meat eater so I am used to peoples ignorance when it comes to being vegan and not eating meat etc but on Friday radio 1 mentioned people who think food such as crisps and sausage have feelings and how some people will throw another crisp on the floor if they drop one so the one they dropped isn't lonely. Madness in my mind. 

Plants do not have feelings. They have no nervous system and therefore cannot feel pain or any other emotion. That crisp is simply a cooked potato. It will not get lonely on the floor but that steak you eat was once a cow who had a mum and wanted to live but you see no problem eating that. I really do not understand peoples logic on the matter. If you really cared about the 'feelings' of food, then maybe you would not be eating animal products. 

If you want to eat meat for whatever your reason is that is fine, it is everyones choice but do not go around making stupid comments about plant based foods having feels and worrying about them being lonely etc. What a joke. You don't really care it is all rubbish. 

Rant over. 

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